The novel starts in 1914 when Donny Nicolson and Angus MacLeod leave their homes on the Kilbackie Estate, Isle of Skye to join the British army.
It is a decision that will change their lives forever with tragic consequences.
They struggle to adapt to the wider world whilst clinging to their roots in Kilbackie.
The wind and rain mould them, the sea mist that swirls across the Minch runs through their veins, the rhythm of crofting life shapes their language.
They remain intricately linked and shape each other’s lives with tragic consequences.
Donny, Angus and Katherine are united by Skye but torn apart by fate and faith.
Death, love and jealousy destroy Angus’ dream of returning to Kilbackie but there is a glimmer of hope.
The future of Kilbackie hangs by a thread.
Can one child fulfil the dreams of a lost generation?
ISBN 9781901870671

Johnny and Mairi move to Isle of Skye with their son Tavish to manage the Kilbackie Estate.
It is a daunting prospect. The farm is rundown and the large house is dreary and damp.
Tavish remains their hope for a better future.
Johnny relishes the opportunity to farm. He is optimistic and determined to make the farm profitable, whereas Mairi struggles to adjust to her new identity.
Past events finally catch up with her, pitting her against family and friends who are sorely tested by her unreasonable behaviour.
Without their loyal support, the whole Kilbackie project is doomed.
Mairi deals with raw emotions and insecurities in the hope that one day she can put her past behind her and become the person she has always wanted to be.
She has one chance to succeed. Only her past can stop her.
ISBN 9781901870688